About Performance Excellence Institute

Performance Excellence Institute (PEI) is a project management consulting and training firm offering full services to government and corporate clients, consulting industry and contractors. The goal is to improve projects’ performance.
PMI InstructorCMAA
Our Vision is to make a positive difference in the performance of the course so that participants can achieve their highest potential.  Our instructors will go above and beyond to meet client needs and ensure satisfaction

Our Mission is to provide and support qualified Project Management instructors to teach participants the latest and most advanced skills and ideas in Project and Construction Management. Facilitating clients to enhance their performance in managing projects is our goal.

Our Clients include federal, provincial, and municipal government departments, engineering, architectural, and consulting firms, construction, environmental, manufacturing, developing, information technology, and many other industries.

Our Training offers both public and customized in-house project management training via workshops, seminars, and courses.

Our Workshops are based on the globally recognized Project Management Institute standards to project management training.

Our consulting services provide your teams’ professional project management training to ensure you achieve your project objectives.

Our approach is based on a Chinese proverb, which states, “Tell me, and I will forget; show me, and I may remember; involve me, and I will understand.” Therefore most of the courses PEI offers are really workshops designed to reinforce understanding of the PM principles through participation and involvement.  Each workshop consists of some lectures along with group discussions.  A series of individual and group case studies, activities, and exercises also keep participants engaged in the topic.

What sets our company apart is our team of instructors and consultants. We employ working senior project management professionals that are experts in their area of project management. They have between 15-30 years experience in their fields and offer extensive hands on industry experience in their subject area. Our clients say that these are the most important values they receive.

Meet the Team