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CO-001: Advanced Communication Skills

Communication is much more than actual choice of words or listening skills. Successful project managers must focus their energy on how to convey messages rather than what to say. This 2-3 day advanced course goes beyond the basic communication tools and focuses on three other key areas. It covers understanding non-verbal messages, assumptions and perceptions, and how to selling self and ideas to others.


CO-002: Interpersonal Communication Skills, Tools and Techniques

Communication skills are critical to individual’s success in business and personal life. Without them dealing with your boss / co-worker in the office or your spouse at home will be a major challenge. This communication skills workshop assists participants to communicate effectively with everyone in their life. The outcome is obvious: a collaborative relationship and a synergistic performance resulting in successful relationships.


CO-003: Team Building and Leadership

One of key responsibilities of project managers is to build and lead the project team. This 2-3 day course helps the project manager to handle this tough and challenging job by increasing their competence and confidence in leading teams. The course starts with a quick review of the communication skills to build a positive and constructive environment for teams. Then it focuses on practical and doable skills to enable project managers to develop and lead project team.


CO-004: Effective Win-Win Negotiation Skills

This 3-day negotiation workshop is designed by a senior project manager for the benefit and training of project managers. It is based on many years of negotiations with clients, contractors, consultants, suppliers, and other key project stakeholders. It is much more than an ordinary negotiation course. The instructor combines academic thinking together with practical application and expert advice to arrive at a course that perfectly fits project environment.