Showing 13–24 of 42 results


3 – Assumptions/perceptions and it impact on communication

Every day, All day long, we make assumptions. Most of our assumptions are based on our perception of what is happening, our attitudes, experience and background. Assumptions and perceptions drive our feelings which influence our actions. The course will help guide you to be aware of your perceptions, frame of reference and how those elements influences your feeling and behaviours negatively or positively.


4 – Understanding and Application of Body Language

Do you speak a second language, if yes how about a third or may be a fourth language? Body language should be a second language for everybody simply because non-verbal communication forms 90 % of our message.


5 – Cultural Competency and Intelligence to reduce conflict

Are you culturally intelligent? Culture awareness is a key success factor in working as a  team. Cultural competencies boost your ability to understand, communicate and effectively interact with people from different cultures.  If you need a boost to help you work successfully with people from different cultures, this short course will fill this need.


7 – Building relations with your Stakeholders

Your success in business and personal lives depends on your ability to persuade others? Regardless of what you do, your job requires you to influence others just about all the time. Do you know what it takes to influence others? This short course will enhance what you have to make you influence others in an easy and professional way


8 – Difficult situations made Easy to handle

Do you have a difficult person in your life, it is important to remember that people are different NOT difficult? We all face several types of difficult behaviors on a daily basis. Unfortunately most people have no training in handling difficult situation and then the difficult situation becomes even more difficult.


6 – Building relations with your Stakeholders

Would you like to improve your relationships with the people you deal with? Can you imagine how much good and successful relationships can improve your project outcome? This becomes easy when you use behavior type as a guide. This course will show you the “HOW”.


Risk Management Best Practices

Risk is an integral part of our personal and business life. As such, Risk Management is a skill that need to be learned and mastered to help us manage and enjoy our lives and our projects. This is what this session is all about, risk awareness and understanding
Did you know that 70-90 % of the risks that we face on construction projects are predictable and preventable?


Team Building Skills

Building healthy and effective teams in workplaces is essential to survive changes, challenges and to complete projects successfully. Regardless of what you do, each one of us is part of a team. As a team, our level of success is directly dependent upon how well we work together. Working as a team adds synergy i.e 1+1 =3. Healthy and resilient teams will be most prepared for an economic challenges and ongoing organizational dynamics.


1 – Construction Project Management Fundamentals

Building healthy and effective teams in workplaces is essential to survive changes, challenges and to complete projects successfully. Regardless of what you do, each one of us is part of a team. As a team, our level of success is directly dependent upon how well we work together. Working as a team adds synergy i.e 1+1 =3. Healthy and resilient teams will be most prepared for an economic challenges and ongoing organizational dynamics.


2. Creating a Realistic Construction Project Plan

Building healthy and effective teams in workplaces is essential to survive changes, challenges and to complete projects successfully. Regardless of what you do, each one of us is part of a team. As a team, our level of success is directly dependent upon how well we work together. Working as a team adds synergy i.e 1+1 =3. Healthy and resilient teams will be most prepared for an economic challenges and ongoing organizational dynamics.


8 – Managing Construction claims, preparation, submission, analysis evaluation, and approval

Construction industry is a complex operation. It involves many stakeholders with a variety of competing interests. Regardless of who you are, an owner, a contractor, a subcontractor or a consultant you need to be aware of why claims arise and how to properly submit a claim to make it easy for the receiving party to understand and approve it, if within the contract limitations.


7 – Preventing Construction Disputes Tools, Tips and Tricks

Construction claims are a fact of life for almost all construction projects. You can not really prevent claims, you can only reduce them. Owner, contractors, and consultant collectively can do a lot in this regard.